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ISSN: 2583-3677

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Review Article

Year: 2023 |Volume: 2 | Issue: 01 |Pages: 34-38

Role of Paricharya (Ahara,Vihar,Aushadhi) in Garbhini Parichariya

About Author

Sisodiya A. 1

1PG scholar, Dept Kriya Sharir, BhauSaheb Mulak Ayurved Mahavidyalaya, Nandanvan, Nagpur

Correspondence Address:

Dr.Ankit Vijaykumar Sisodiya PG scholar, Dept Kriya Sharir, BhauSaheb Mulak Ayurved Mahavidyalaya Nandanvan, Nagpur

Date of Acceptance: 2022-12-31

Date of Publication:2022-01-11


Source of Support: Nill

Conflict of Interest: None declared

How To Cite This Article: Sisodiya A. Role of Paricharya (Ahara,Vihar,Aushadhi) in Garbhini Parichariya AYUSCRIPT 2023;2(1):34-38


In Ayurveda it is explained that pregnant lady should be treated just like a pot filled with oil. The garbhini paricharya refers to the care given to pregnant lady. For uncomplicated pregnancy and delivery, masanumasik Parichariya does the wonder. For Healthy Offspring the Garbhini should be physically and emotionally healthy. Following The Parichariya(including Ahara, Vihar and Aushadhi)according to the month of Pregnancy helps in healthy progeny. The nine monthly diet is singularly unique to Ayurveda. It changes in accordance with the growth of the fetus in the womb and at the same time ensures health of the Garbhin. In today’s time the mothers are multitasking, so for their proper health and of the fetus monthly diet plan, exercise is very important. Garbhini Parichariya helps in Normal Delivery and reduces the surgical interventions .

Keywords: Garbhini, ahar, vihar, pregnancy, delivery.


Ayurveda gives importance of caring for the mother before, during and after pregnancy. [2] The health of women and the fetus completely depends on the women,so taking care of her in this period is really necessary. Pregnancy is a period of transition of physical and emotional changes. Pregnancy is one of the milestones in women’s life.the women body get through a lot of transformation during these nine months. Due to prachalit dosh and dhatu garbhini gets any vikriti easily. Even the slightest excitement can create problem to garbhini as well as the fetus. The garbhini paricharya refers to the care given to pregnant lady. It has to be started as soon as the signs and symptoms of pregnancy are seen. [3]Various aharas, viharas, and aushadhas in the form of do’s and don’ts are explained for maintaining the physical and mental health of pregnant women. [4] Thus the Ahar ,Vihar,Aushadhi have profound effects of health of garbhini and the garbh. Charaka mentioned that garbhaja vyadhis are produced due to maatrujaapacharas. Vagbhata clearly mentions about the need of tender loving care of the persons accompanying her. [5] Kashyapa mentioned that the food consumed by the lady should be in consideration with desha, kala, matra, agni, etc.

Aim and Objective

To review the literature of Garbhini Parichariya, Pathya Apathya During Garbhini Kala.


The matter related to Parichariya, scattered in various Ayurvedic classics were evaluated, examined and probable modification that can be included in traditional practices which suits today’s lifestyle without altering the principles of care of Garbhini is suggested.

In samhitas description about the maasanumasikapathya is given. Masanumasik pathya is beneficial for rogarahit garbha.In first month, kalala formation, in second month Ghana, and in the third month development of sarvaangapratyanga and indriyas. Acharyas have mentioned about the usage of aushadh siddha ksheer and satmya ahara in first month,in second month Madhura aushadh siddha ksheer and in third month madhu-sarpi siddha ksheer should be consumed[6],[7]. Aushadhi such as jeshtamadhu with Shweta Chandan/rakta Chandan,shatavari,manjishtha,sariva are advised during first three months.

During first trimester the lady will be suffering from shrama, glani, pipasa, chardhi. Thus for these ailments, milk is the ideal source and it prevents dehydration due to nausea and vomiting. Milk is mentioned as a complete diet can be taken throughout the period of pregnancy. It is natural source of folic acid, vitamins, minerals and enzymes which are essential for fetal and maternal nourishment. Adequate calcium supplementation through milk can produce proper development of fetus. From third month onwards, mentioned about the importance of ghritha. It is vata pitta prashamana. [8] Ghee is rich in antioxidants and acts as an aid in absorption of vitamins and minerals from other food.

The garbha gets sthir and the garbhini’s body gets heavier in the fourth month. The muscles of the garbha starts increasing during fourth month. Acharyas mentioned the use of jangala

mamsa,shashtikodana,dadhi,Navneet and ksheer to fulfil the requirements.Aushdhi such as sariva,rasna is advised.For thirst ,Musta is advisable. During fifth month mamsa shonita upchaya happens i.e increment in the absorption of mamsa and rakta from the body of garbhini by the garbha. Therefore, the garbhini feels emaciated. Due to the lack of nourishment of maternal dhathus, as the aahara rasa is driven to nourish the fetal mamsa-raktaadidhathus. [9] Thus during this time, ksheerasarpi, hridhyannapaana, mamsa which all supply the nutrients for the development of fetal tissue as well as the mother are advised. During sixth month balavarnaupchayaadhikya happens which means the foetus draws more bala(strength) and varna(complexion). The garbhini feels exhausted due to increase in demand for nutrients in the sixth month. The use of swadhamshtra siddha sarpi and yavagu prevents the above condition as it has the property of mootravirechaniya, shothahara, krimighna. By the end of second trimester the garbhini complains of pedal edema, UTI. The above mentioned paricharya would help treat the complaints and also provide strength to the garbhini.

Now,By seventh month the garbha develops in overall aspect i.e anatomically and physiologically. The garbhini gets extremely tired and emaciated. As development of garbha increases, Tridosha imbalance occurs and these leads to burning sensation and itching in Garbhini’s body.This is Kikkis.Mardana with Chandana ,Navneet with Madhur aushadhi is advised. Avoid salt and large quantity of water.  In seventh month usage of madhuroushadha siddhasarpi, prithakparnyadi siddha [10] ksheerasarpi having the brimhana property which helps in fetal development is advised. From eight month up to delivery snigdha yavaagu, jangalamamsa rasa, ksheerayavagu with sarpi etc mentioned all these acts in subsiding the vata. [11], Thus the usage of vividhaannani meets the nutrient demands. During ninth month, Madhur aushadha siddha tail anuvasan is advised, Yoni pichu is advised for moistening the garbhashaya and marga.

 In the Samhita’s, acharyas give references regarding usage of Basti and yoni pichu. Most of the women experience constipation in late pregnancy due to the pressure of the gravid uterus and also by the effect of hormones. Thus anuvasanavasti helps in anulomana of apanavata. It helps in bringing normalcy of apanavata and thus facilitates unobstructed labor. [12] Yoni pichu helps in softens the yoni marga, facilitates relaxation during labor then prevents perineal tear.

By following these Paricharya from first to ninth month ,women gains strength and complexion and she delivers easily at proper time as desired, with excellent healthy child possessing all qualities and long life. [13] In Garbhini Paricharya, there also gives more emphasis regarding diet of Ahara ofpregnant lady. Any attempt to restrict the intake of food leads to nutritional deficiency in both mother and child.

Along with the diet, vihara [14] also plays an important role in pregnant lady. It has been found out that lady who exercised during pregnancy had shorter labor, lesser need of obstetric intervention and fewer signs of fetal compromise. A physically fit pregnant lady can exercise during pregnancy, provided there are no contraindications.

Along with Do’s ,one should keep the don’ts in mind too. The pregnant lady should avoid pungent food, sleeping in Supine position,taking fish in large quantity and holding of natural urges. The life of pregnant women will be at risk during delivery or it is one of the most crucial times in her life


 Ayurveda Scholars were very much aware about the need of Garbhini Parichariya during pregnancy. In Ayurveda a scientific protocol is given for Garbhini Paricharya. It should be followed by Garbhini as it is necessary for formation of qualitative Rasa Dhatu which nourishes of Garbhini, her Garbha and helpful in production of milk. It is also helpful for proper functioning of Vayu (Apan Vayu) which is necessary for Sukhaprasav.Use of milk and other liquid diet in pregnancy is essential to avoid dehydration and malnutrition and other complications of pregnancy. This holistic regimen advised during various stages of pregnancy and childbirth comprising of ahar, vihar, and aushadhi aims to ensure a healthy and smooth childbirth and at the same time sustain the overall health, nutrition and wellbeing of both the Garbhini and the baby. The measures are simple, easy to follow by women and families at the household level. Ayurveda can contribute very effectively to the health of the mothers and children, locally as well globally.


Thus garbhini paricharya mentioned in our classics are unique and specific.One has to practice masanumasikaparicharya . The masanumasika paricharya helps in proper development of fetus and a healthy child. Thus proper implementation of garbhiniparicharya ensures normal healthy delivery and suputrajanana.


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  2. AcharayaAgnivesa, charakasamhitha, edited by Dr. Brahmanand Tripathi, Chaukhamba Surbharati Prakashan, Varanasi. Ch Sha8/3 Jatisutriyashariradhyaya Page -931
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