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Review Article

Year: 2023 |Volume: 2 | Issue: 01 |Pages: 18-27


About Author

Khandait V. 1

1Assistant Professor dept. of Ayurved Samhita Siddhant. SKR Pandav Ayurvedic College Nagpur.

Correspondence Address:

Vd. Vishakha M.Khandait Assistant Professor dept. of Ayurved Samhita Siddhant. SKR Pandav Ayurvedic College, Nagpur. Mo. no-7588563463

Date of Acceptance: 2022-12-27

Date of Publication:2022-01-11


Source of Support: Nill

Conflict of Interest: None declared

How To Cite This Article: Khandait V. Role of Paricharya -Aahar, Vihar, Aushadhi In Garbhini. AYUSCRIPT 2023;2(1):18-27


Ayurveda is an ancient science which stated about life and make principle right from birth of child through his life in the same way in the Ayurveda it is mention that nourishment of Garbhini that is pregnant women nourished by good quality of aahar [ food] even after giving such type of food, if some lacuna is there in nourishment then that lady can suffer with many sign & symptoms of diseases can cure with medicinal Aahar which expressed in ayurvedic Samhitas. In Ayurveda month wise diet regulation advised for pregnant women for nourishment of baby & it is unique in Ayurveda. In Garbhini Paricharya month wise changes in Aahar and Aushadi  is accordance  with the growth of the foetus in womb and at the same time ensures health of the mother. Aahar, Vihar and Vchara have direct effect on health of mother and child.Our Ayurvedacharya knows very well that not only food and environment plays but maternal psychic impressions have their impact on a growing foetus.The main intension of advising Garbhini Paricharya is Paripurnyata (providing growth of mother and foetus) Anupaghat (pregnancy without complications)  Sukhaprasav (for healthy delivery and healthy child) and maintain health of mother ,healthy postpartum birth to healthy child is important thus pregnant women deserve most importance in the society.

KEYWORDS: Ayurveda, Garbhini Paricharya, Ahara, Aushadh


Paricharya in Garbhini is the care given to pregnant woman and regimens in Ayurveda to ensure the safe birth of healthy baby through Aahara, Vihara and Aushadha.
The foetus does inspiration, expiration, movements (of the body and its parts)and sleep ,along with the inspiration, expiration  and movements and the sleep of the mother. 1.
so the pregnant woman desirous of producing Uttam Gunayukta child should give up non congenital diet and mode of life. 2.
In Garbhini paricharya monthwise dietary, behavioural regimen and also Ayurvedic regimen from conception till delivery will proper nourish the pregnant lady and which help in growth and development of foetus as well.



  1. To collect and analyze the role of paricharya in Garbhini through Aahara, Vihara and Aushadha
  2. to understand the clinical importance of aaushadhi in Garbhini described in ancient treatise.


  1. To ensure a normal pregnancy with delivery of healthy baby from healthy mother. 
  2. The main objective of Ayurveda towards the care of pregnant women resides around the three main objectives – Proper growth of foetus and mother non complicated pregnancy and normal delivery.



Literature, brihatrayee, all available ayurvedic classic, modern available text magazines, journals and research papers.

Type of study-conceptual type

A.Ahara-Masanumasika Pathya: (Month Wise Dietary Regimen):
During pregnancy foetus starts to get nutrition from mother through placenta. Adequate nutrition is needed for monthly constant and proper growth of embryo. The requirement of nutrition varies according to developmental stage of foetus month wisely (Masanumasika vrudhi). Pregnancy imposes the extra nutrients requirement. Thus, the dietetic requirements of the mother also changes month wise. By following these dietetic regimens prescribed, the pregnant woman remains healthy and delivers a baby having good health, energy, strength, complexion and voice. The baby would also be well-built. Having importance of this; in Ayurvedic samhitas, the month wise dietetic regimen is given in details known as masanumasika paricharya (monthly regimen) for woman right from the first month up to the ninth month of pregnancy. The monthly regimen is necessary to make pelvis, waist, sides of the chest, back, healthy & flexible and downward movement of vata (vataanulomana) - this is needed for the normal delivery, Normalization of the urine and stool and their elimination with ease, Promotion of strength and complexion, Delivery with ease of a healthy baby, endowed with excellent qualities in proper time (280 days). The foetus present in the uterus, does not eliminate flatus, urine and faeces because of their little quantity (or absence) and inadequate activities of vata in the pakvashaya.3.
Vata undergoing aggravation (during pregnancy or non-fulfilment of lounging of the woman during pregnancy, makes the foetus to be born as kubja (dwarf), kuni(of distorted arms) pangu (distorted legs), muka (dumb) or minmina(of nasal voice).4

B.Vihara: Garbhopaghathakara bhavas
(Activities and substances which are harmful to foetus):
Garbhini should avoid use of teekshna, rooksha, ushna dravyas. Should give up foul smelling articles and should not eat dried up, stale, putrefied or wet food41 , vistambhi42 (hard to digest), vidahi food as these are harmful for the foetus. She should avoid heavy exercises, coitus, harsh or violent activities, ride over  vehicles43 , excess satiation, excess emaciation, sleeping in day and awakening in night, sitting in uneven places and should avoid fasting, grief, anger, visiting lonely places, cremation ground44, prolonged stay near fire or hot sun etc. Her sleeping and sitting place should be covered with soft cushion/mattress 45. All these psychological and physical strains like carrying heavy weight or vehicle riding may precipitate abortion due to sudden increase in intra-abdominal pressure. Also sitting on her heels for long periods indulging in oleation and other therapies like bloodletting at unsuitable time and suppression of urges of the body of urine, faeces , flatus etc.46

 c.Aushadha- Garbhasthapaka dravya
 (Substances beneficial for maintenance of pregnancy):
Garbhasthapaka dravyas counter act the effect of the garbhopaghatakara bhavas and help in the proper maintenance of the garbha. They can also be used in the treatment and prevention of abortion. These are to be used as a routine as they are beneficial for the maintenance of proper health, growth and development of the mother and foetus. Some of the garbhasthapakaaushadh is are Aindri (Bacopamonnieri), braahmi (Centellaasiatica), Satavirya (Asparagus racemosus), Sahashravirya (Cynodondactylon), Amogha (Stereospermumsuaveolens), Avyatha (Tinosporacardifolia), Shiva (Terminaliachebula), Arista (Picrorhizakurroa), Vatyapushpi (Sidacardifolia), Vishwasenkanta (Callicarpamacrophylla) etc. These should be taken orally as preparations in milk and ghee. A bath with cold decoction of these drugs should be given during pushya nakshatra. These should be kept in close contact with the mother and can be used as amulets around the right arm and on the head. Drugs of the Jeevaneeya gana can also be used in a similar way. Kasyapa has advocated that amulet of Trivrit (Operculina Tharpethum) should be also tied in the waist of pregnant woman.
Susruta in 8th month of pregnancy has indicated asthapana basti with decoction of badari mixed with bala, atibala, sathapushpa, pestled sesamum seeds, milk, curd, mastu, oil, salt, madhanaphala, honey and ghrita, followed by anuvasana basti of oil medicated with milk and decoction of madhura group of drugs for clearing the retained faeces and anulomana of vayu. Due to the movement of vayu in right direction the lady delivers without difficulty and remains free from complications. Whereas charaka48 and vagbata49,in 9th month has advised anuvasana basti with oil medicated with madhura group of drugs and vaginal tampons with the same oil used for sthana and garbhamarga (vaginal canal and perineum). Charaka and vagbata50 have advised aindri, brahmi, satavirya, sahasravirya or durva, amogha,avyatha, siva, arista, vatyapuspi, viswaksena for oral use with milk or ghritha prepared with these drugs. These drugs can also be kept in close contact of body or used in the form amulets to be tied in head or right arm. Anuvasana basti for  lubrication of garbha.




1.Ahara 2Vihara 3. Aushadha in Garbhini, we have discussed various diets and various Dos and Don’ts in pregnancy. Vagbhata use of prajasthapan drugs described in sutrasthana 56after pumsavahan karma,  indu  says  that these drugs prevent abortion charaka and kashyap have prescribed certain drugs  during  pregnancy  without specifying their  indications, period  or method  of use. 57Chakrapani had clarified  that Garbhasthaapak  drugs-  are  those  which after  counteracting  the  effects  of  harmful factors  (  garbhopghaatkar  bhaavas)  for fetus helps in its proper maintenances , thus these  can  be considered  as a  treatment  for abortion. Kashyap had said these to be used in routine by  pregnant  woman,  routine  use  of  these drugs might be beneficial for maintenance of proper  health,  growth  and development  of mother and fetus respectively, with this idea the drugs are being enumerated here. Charaka  and  vagbhata  have  given  the specific use of this enlisted drug as oral use of  milk  and  ghrutam  prepared  with  these drugs. The bath with the cold decoction  of these drugs during pushya nakshatra should also  be  taken,  these  drugs  should  also  be kept in close contact of mother and amulets of  this  be  tied  in  head  or  right  arm  (only charaka).  Similarly  the  drugs  of  Jivaniya group should also be used. Kashyapa had advocated listed drugs should be  uprooted  with  enchantation  of  mantras and tied as amulet during pushya nakshatra, Amulet of trivritta should also be tied in the waist of pregnant woman. Dauhrudavastha  is  the  special concept of Ayurveda affecting fetal growth. It  is  the  period  during  which  pregnant woman (Dauhrudini)  expresses dietary  and behavioural  desires.  These  longings  are desires  of  fetus,  fulfillment  of  which  is beneficial for proper gestation, whereas non-fulfillment  or  ignorance  causes  various developmental anomalies. Paricharya as per Ayurveda helps for normal delivery with easy and not much pain. Tension and complications as well as improve the physical and psychological condition of pregnant lady helping her to sustain the exhaustion of labour.


All the discussions about the  aahara , vihara,  aushadha  in pregnancy  prescribed by  all ayurved  classics  aims  at  the  healthy  progeny  and  avoiding pregnancy  induced  complications.  Following will result in the yield of healthy entity. The ancient Ayurvedic Literature described in Various Samhita; is not only unique but also scientific with Modern sciences. So Antenatal Care should be done as per Ayurveda. 


  1. K.R.Srikanthamurthy, Sushrut.Samhita,Choukhamba oriantalis , Sharir Sthan.2/55, page no 31

2. kasinath Sastri, Dr. Gorakhanath Chaturvedi, charak Samhita with hindi commentary Vidyotini, sharir Sthan8/21, Choukhamba bharati Acadamy , Varanasi. , page no 213-214.

3. K.R.Srikanthamurthy ,Sushrut. Samhita ,choukhamba oriantalis  Sharir Sthan.2/53, page no 31

4. K.R.Srikanthamurthy ,Sushrut. Samhita ,choukhamba oriantalis , Sharir Sthan.2/52, page no 31

5.Yadavji Trikamji, editor, Commentary: Vidyotini Hindi Commentary of Acharya Kasinath Shastri and Gorakhnath Chaturvedi on Charaka Samhita of Charaka, Sharira Sthana, chapter 8, verse no. 32, 22th edition, Varanasi: Chaukhambha Bharati Academy; 1996; p.937

6. Yadavji Trikamji, editor, Commentary: Ayurveda Tatva Sandipika Hindi Commentary of Acharya Ambika Datta Shastri on Sushruta Samhita of Sushruta, Sharira Sthana, chapter 10, verse no.3, 13th edition, Varanasi: Chowkhambha Sanskrit Sansthan; 2002; p.73

 7. Vagbhata, Commentary, Indu Commentary of Vaidya Anant Damodar Athavale on Astanga Sangraha, Sharirasthana, chapter 3, verse no.2, 1st edition, Pune, Shree Mada Atreya Prakashana; 1980; p. 279.

 8. Harita, Commentary, Nirmala Hindi Commentary of Acharya Ramavalamba Shastri on Harita Samhita, Tritiya Sthana chapter 49, verse no.2, 1st edition, Varanasi: Prachya Prakashana; 1985; p.86 9. Yadavji Trikamji, editor, Commentary: Vidyotini Hindi Commentary of Acharya Kasinath Shastri and Gorakhnath Chaturvedi on Charaka Samhita of Charaka, Sharira Sthana, chapter 8, verse no. 32, 22th edition, Varanasi: Chaukhambha Bharati Academy; 1996; p.937.

 10. Yadavji Trikamji, editor, Commentary: Ayurveda Tatva Sandipika Hindi Commentary of Acharya Ambika Datta Shastri on Sushruta Samhita of Sushruta, Sharira Sthana, chapter 10, verse no.3, 13th edition, Varanasi: Chowkhambha Sanskrit Sansthan; 2002; p.73.

11. Vagbhata, Commentary, Indu Commentary of Vaidya Anant Damodar Athavale on Astanga Sangraha, Sharirasthana, chapter 3, verse no.3, 1st edition, Pune, Shree Mada Atreya Prakashana; 1980; p. 279.

12. Harita, Commentary, Nirmala Hindi Commentary of Acharya Ramavalamba Shastri on Harita Samhita, Tritiya Sthana chapter 49, verse no.2, 1st edition, Varanasi: Prachya Prakashana; 1985; p.86 13. Yadavji Trikamji, editor, Commentary: Vidyotini Hindi Commentary of Acharya Kasinath Shastri and Gorakhnath Chaturvedi on Charaka Samhita of Charaka, Sharira Sthana, chapter 8, verse no. 32, 22th edition, Varanasi: Chaukhambha Bharati Academy; 1996; p.937.

14. Yadavji Trikamji, editor, Commentary: Ayurveda Tatva Sandipika Hindi Commentary of Acharya Ambika Datta Shastri on Sushruta Samhita of Sushruta, Sharira Sthana, chapter 10, verse no.3, 13th edition, Varanasi: Chowkhambha Sanskrit Sansthan; 2002; p.73

15. Vagbhata, Commentary, Indu Commentary of Vaidya Anant Damodar Athavale on Astanga Sangraha, Sharirasthana, chapter 3, verse no.3, 1st edition, Pune, Shree MadaAtreya Prakashana; 1980; p. 279.

 16. Harita, Commentary, Nirmala Hindi Commentary of Acharya Ramavalamba Shastri on Harita Samhita, Tritiya Sthana chapter 49, verse no.2, 1st edition, Varanasi: Prachya Prakashana; 1985; p.86. Chaukhambha Bharati Academy

17. Yadavji Trikamji, editor, Commentary: Vidyotini Hindi Commentary of Acharya Kasinath Shastri and Gorakhnath Chaturvedi on Charaka Samhita of Charaka, Sharira Sthana, chapter 8, verse no. 32, 22th edition, Varanasi: Chaukhambha Bharati Academy; 1996; p.937.

18. Yadavji Trikamji, editor, Commentary: Ayurveda Tatva Sandipika Hindi Commentary of Acharya Ambika Datta Shastri on Sushruta Samhita of Sushruta, ShariraSthana, chapter 10, verse no.4, 13th edition, Varanasi: Chowkhambha Sanskrit Sansthan; 2002; p.73.

 19. Vagbhata, Commentary, Indu Commentary of Vaidya Anant Damodar Athavale on Astanga Sangraha, Sharirasthana, chapter 3, verse no.4, 1st edition, Pune, Shree Mada Atreya Prakashana; 1980; p. 279. 8

 20. Harita, Commentary, Nirmala Hindi Commentary of Acharya Ramavalamba Shastri on Harita Samhita, TritiyaSthana chapter 49, verse no.2, 1st edition, Varanasi: Prachya Prakashana; 1985; p.86 21. Yadavji Trikamji, editor, Commentary: Vidyotini Hindi Commentary of Acharya Kasinath Shastri and Gorakhnath Chaturvedi on Charaka Samhita of Charaka, Sharira Sthana, chapter 8, verse no. 32, 22th edition, Varanasi: Chaukhambha Bharati Academy; 1996; p.937

22. Yadavji Trikamji, editor, Commentary: Ayurveda TatvaSandipika Hindi Commentary of Acharya Ambika Datta Shastri on Sushruta Samhita of Sushruta, Sharira Sthana, chapter 10, verse no.4, 13th edition, Varanasi: Chowkhambha Sanskrit Sansthan; 2002; p.73

 23. Vagbhata, Commentary, IndIndu Commentary of Vaidya Anant Damodar Athavale on Astanga Sangraha, Sharirasthana, chapter 3, verse no.5, 1st edition, Pune, Shree Mada Atreya Prakashana; 1980; p. 280

 24. Harita, Commentary, Nirmala Hindi Commentary of Acharya Ramavalamba Shastri on Harita Samhita, Tritiya Sthana chapter 49, verse no.3, 1stedition, Varanasi: Prachya Prakashana; 1985; p.86 25. Yadavji Trikamji, editor, Commentary: Vidyotini Hindi Commentary of Acharya Kasinath Shastri and Gorakhnath Chaturvedi on Charaka Samhita of Charaka, Sharira Sthana, chapter 8, verse no. 32, 22th edition, Varanasi: Chaukhambha Bharati Academy; 1996; p.937

26. Yadavji Trikamji, editor, Commentary: Ayurveda Tatva Sandipika Hindi Commentary of Acharya Ambika Datta Shastri on Sushruta Samhita of Sushruta, Sharira Sthana, chapter 10, verse no.4, 13th edition, Varanasi: Chowkhambha Sanskrit Sansthan; 2002; p.73

27. Vagbhata, Commentary, Indu Commentary of Vaidya Anant Damodar Athavale on Astanga Sangraha, Sharirasthana, chapter 3, verse no.6, 1stmedition, Pune, Shree Mada Atreya Prakashana; 1980; p. 280.

 28. Harita, Commentary, Nirmala Hindi Commentary of Acharya Ramavalamba Shastri on Harita Samhita, Tritiya Sthana chapter 49, verse no.3, 1stedition, Varanasi: Prachya Prakashana; 1985; p.86 29. Yadavji Trikamji, editor, Commentary: Vidyotini Hindi Commentary of Acharya Kasinath Shastri and Gorakhnath Chaturvedi on Charaka Samhita of Charaka, ShariraSthana, chapter 8, verse no. 32, 22th edition, Varanasi: Chaukhambha Bharati Academy; 1996; p.937

 30. Yadavji Trikamji, editor, Commentary: Ayurveda TatvaSandipika Hindi Commentary of Acharya Ambika Datta Shastri on SushrutaSamhita of Sushruta, ShariraSthana, chapter 10, verse no.4, 13th edition, Varanasi: Chowkhambha Sanskrit Sansthan; 2002; p.73

 31. Vagbhata, Commentary, Indu Commentary of Vaidya Anant Damodar Athavale on Astanga Sangraha, Sharirasthana, chapter 3, verse no.7, 1stedition, Pune, Shree Mada Atreya Prakashana; 1980; p. 280.

32. Harita, Commentary, Nirmala Hindi Commentary of Acharya Ramavalamba Shastri on Harita Samhita, Tritiya Sthana chapter 49, verse no.3, 1stedition, Varanasi: Prachya Prakashana; 1985; p.86

33. Yadavji Trikamji, editor, Commentary: Vidyotini Hindi Commentary of Acharya Kasinath Shastri and Gorakhnath Chaturvedi on Charaka Samhita of Charaka, Sharira Sthana, chapter 8, verse no. 32, 22th edition, Varanasi: Chaukhambha Bharati Academy; 1996; p.937

34. Yadavji Trikamji, editor, Commentary: Ayurveda Tatva Sandipika Hindi Commentary of Acharya Ambika Datta Shastri on Sushruta Samhita of Sushruta, ShariraSthana, chapter 10, verse no.4, 13th edition, Varanasi: Chowkhambha Sanskrit Sansthan; 2002; p.73

35.Vagbhata, Commentary, Indu Commentary of Vaidya Anant Damodar Athavale on Astanga Sangraha, Sharirasthana, chapter 3, verse no.7, 1stedition, Pune, Shree Mada Atreya Prakashana; 1980; p. 280-281.

36. Harita, Commentary, Nirmala Hindi Commentary of Acharya Ramavalamba Shastri on Harita Samhita, Tritiya Sthana chapter 49, verse no.3, 1stedition, Varanasi: Prachya Prakashana; 1985; p.86.

37. Yadavji Trikamji, editor, Commentary: Ayurveda Tatva Sandipika Hindi Commentary of Acharya Ambika Datta Shastri on SushrutaSamhita of Sushruta, ShariraSthana, chapter 10, verse no.4, 13th edition, Varanasi: Chowkhambha Sanskrit Sansthan; 2002; p.73

 38. Vagbhata, Commentary, Indu Commentary of Vaidya Anant Damodar Athavale on Astanga Sangraha, Sharirasthana, chapter 3, verse no.9, 1stedition, Pune, Shree Mada Atreya Prakashana; 1980; p. 281.

 39. Harita, Commentary, Nirmala Hindi Commentary of Acharya Ramavalamba Shastri on Harita Samhita, Tritiya Sthana chapter 49, verse no.3, 1stedition, Varanasi: Prachya Prakashana; 1985; p.86

 40. Kaviraj Dr Ambika Datta Sastry, Susruta Samhita, Hindi VyakyaVaignanika Vimarsha- Tippani Sahitha, Chau

 41. Aruna Datta, Astanga Hridayam With Sarvanga Sundaram Commentary. Chaukambha Orientalia, Varanasi,7th/1982, SareeraSthana 1/45

42. Pt. Kashinatha Shastri, Charaka Samhitha, Chakrapani Datta Virachitha Ayurveda DeepikaVyakya, Chaukambha Orientalia, Varanasi, 1970,SareeraSthana 4/18.

43. Kaviraj Dr Ambika DattaSastry, Susruta Samhita, Hindi VyakyaVaignanikaVimarsha- Tippani Sahitha, Chaukambha Samskritha Samsthan, Varanasi 1970,SareeraSthana 10/3.

 44. Kaviraj Dr Ambika Datta Sastry, Susruta Samhita, Hindi VyakyaVaignanikaVimarsha-Tippani Sahitha, Chaukambha Samskritha Samsthan, Varanasi 1970,Sareera Sthana 10/3.

45. Kaviraj Dr Ambika Datta Sastry, Susruta Samhita, Hindi VyakyaVaignanika Vimarsha-Tippani Sahitha, Chaukambha Samskritha Samsthan, Varanasi 1970,SareeraSthana 10/4

46. K.R.Srikanthamurthy ,Sushrut.Samhita ,choukhamba oriantalis, Sharir Sthan.3/16, , page no 18

 47. Pt. Kashinatha Shastri, Charaka Samhitha, Chakrapani DattaVirachitha Ayurveda Deepika Vyakya, Chaukambha Orientalia, Varanasi, 1970,Sareera Sthana 8/32.

48. Atridev Gupta, Astanga Sangraha, ChaukambhaOrentalia, Varanasi 1979, SareeraSthana3/12.

49. Pt. Kashinatha Shastri, Charaka Samhitha, Chakrapani Datta Virachitha Ayurveda Deepika Vyakya, Chaukambha Orientalia, Varanasi, 1970, Sareera Sthana 8/20.

 50. Atridev Gupta, Astanga Sangraha, Chaukambha Orentalia, Varanasi 1979, Sareera Sthana 14/47.

 51.  Charaka  –  Samhita  Of  Agnivesa Elaborated By Charaka & Drudhabala With
The  Ayuvedadipika  Commentary  By  Sri Cakrapanidatta Edited  By Vaidya  Yadavaji Trikamji Acharya Prolongued By Prof. R.H. Singh,  Chaukhamba  Surbharti  Prakashan,  Varansi, Edn 2014,Sutrasthan4/18 pg. no.34

52.  Charaka  –  Samhita  Of  Agnivesa Elaborated By Charaka & Drudhabala With
The  Ayuvedadipika  Commentary  By  Sri Cakrapanidatta Edited  By Vaidya  Yadavaji Trikamji Acharya Prolongued By Prof. R.H. Singh,  Chaukhamba  Surbharti  Prakashan,  Varansi,Edn2014,Sharirsthan8/20pg. 343

53.Vagbhata’s  Astang Samgraha  with hindi commentary, Vol.I , Sutra, Sharir and Nidan
Sthanas  by  Kaviraj  Atrideva  Gupta, foreward  by  Rajvaidya  Pandit  Sri
Nandakishor  Sharma  Bhishagacarya, Krishnadas  academy,  Varansi,  edition/;
 reprint, 2002, Sutrasthan.15/48 pg. no. 136

54.Vagbhata’s  Astang Samgraha  with hindi commentary, Vol.I , Sutra, Sharir and Nidan
Sthanas  by  Kaviraj  Atrideva  Gupta, foreward  by  Rajvaidya  Pandit  Sri Nandakishor  Sharma  Bhishagacarya, Krishnadas  academy,  Varansi,  edition/;  reprint, 2002, Sharirsthan 1/62 pg. no. 270
55.Kasyapa  Samhita  or  Vruddhajivakiya Tantra  By  Vruddha  Jivaka  Revied  By Varsya With Sanskrit Introduction By Nepal Rajaguru  Pandit  Hemraj  Sarma  With  The Vidyotini  Hindi  Commentary  And  Hindi Translation  Of  Sanskrit  Introduction  By Ayurvedalankar  Sri  Satyapala Bhisagacharya  ,  Chaukhambha  Sanskrit Sansthan, Varansi, Edition:   Reprint,  2013, Khil.10/177-180 pg. no. 304

 56.Vagbhata’s  Astang Samgraha  with hindi commentary, Vol.I , Sutra, Sharir and Nidan Sthanas  by  Kaviraj  Atrideva  Gupta, foreward  by  Rajvaidya  Pandit  Sri Nandakishor  Sharma  Bhishagacarya, Krishnadas  academy,  Varansi,  edition/; reprint, 2002,  Sharirsthan  1/62  Indutika pg. no. 270

57.Guarana  –  Samhita  Of  Agnivesa Elaborated By Charaka & Drudhabala With The  Ayuvedadipika  Commentary  By  Sri Cakrapanidatta Edited  By Vaidya  Yadavaji Trikamji Acharya Prolongued By Prof. R.H. Singh,  Chaukhamba  Surbharti  Prakashan, Varansi, Edition 2014, Sharirsthan 8/20  pg. no. 343


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