International Journal of Indian Medicine

ISSN: 0000-0000

Year: 2023 |Volume: 2 | Issue: 01


About Author

1Assistant Professor dept. of Ayurved Samhita Siddhant. SKR Pandav Ayurvedic College Nagpur.

Date of Acceptance: 2022-12-27

Date of Publication:2022-01-11

Correspondence Address:

Vd. Vishakha M.Khandait Assistant Professor dept. of Ayurved Samhita Siddhant. SKR Pandav Ayurvedic College, Nagpur. Mo. no-7588563463


Source of Support: Nill

Conflict of Interest: None declared


Ayurveda is an ancient science which stated about life and make principle right from birth of child through his life in the same way in the Ayurveda it is mention that nourishment of Garbhini that is pregnant women nourished by good quality of aahar [ food] even after giving such type of food, if some lacuna is there in nourishment then that lady can suffer with many sign & symptoms of diseases can cure with medicinal Aahar which expressed in ayurvedic Samhitas. In Ayurveda month wise diet regulation advised for pregnant women for nourishment of baby & it is unique in Ayurveda. In Garbhini Paricharya month wise changes in Aahar and Aushadi  is accordance  with the growth of the foetus in womb and at the same time ensures health of the mother. Aahar, Vihar and Vchara have direct effect on health of mother and child.Our Ayurvedacharya knows very well that not only food and environment plays but maternal psychic impressions have their impact on a growing foetus.The main intension of advising Garbhini Paricharya is Paripurnyata (providing growth of mother and foetus) Anupaghat (pregnancy without complications)  Sukhaprasav (for healthy delivery and healthy child) and maintain health of mother ,healthy postpartum birth to healthy child is important thus pregnant women deserve most importance in the society.

KEYWORDS: Ayurveda, Garbhini Paricharya, Ahara, Aushadh