International Journal of Indian Medicine

ISSN: 0000-0000

Year: 2023 |Volume: 2 | Issue: 01

“Scientific applicability of Shodasha Samskara”.

About Author

Katkar S. 1 , Katkar D.2

1Assistant Professor, Panchakarma Dept., Bhausaheb Mulak Ayurved Medical College, Nagpur.

2Assistant Professor, Dravyaguna Dept.,Govt. Ayurved College, Nagpur.

Date of Acceptance: 2022-12-24

Date of Publication:2022-01-11

Correspondence Address:

Vd. Katkar Supriya Dattatray Assistant Professor, Panchakarma Dept., Bhousaheb Mulak Ayurved Medical College, Nagpur. E-mail:- Mobile No. 8888145439


Source of Support: Nill

Conflict of Interest: None declared


The first aim of Ayurved is to maintain good health and strong well-being and prevent unborn diseases . Ayurveda describes not only how to cure diseases but also lights up on prevention aspects, which are very effective in maintaining the health of the body, mind, and soul. Here we study the action of Rakshoghna Gana in Dhoopan karma(fumigation) to purify the air rather than face the polluted environment's disorders . We live in full billions of microorganisms. A maximum of them are not harmful but some of them are hazardous to children and old age, immunocompromised, and hin satva people. Hence proper sterilization and proper disinfection are necessary. But modern science disinfection processes many side effects. So, there is a constant need to develop disinfectant methods with negligible side effects. Due to many reasons like effectiveness, convenience, and cost, modern physical and chemical fumigating agents have been replaced by these classical techniques. The present study is aimed to compile the classical concept of Dhoopan Karma described in Sushrut Samhita.

KEYWORDS: Shodasha, Samskara,Dhoopan, Rakshoghna